The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

Standard Operating Procedures
SOP: Fire Drills
Grade Level: 9-12
- Stop what you are doing and line up quietly
- Follow me out of the building, using the exit closest to your classroom
- Stand with me outside until you are allowed back into the building
- Listen for your name to be called during attendance
- When you are allowed, follow me back into the building and to your classroom
SOP: Technology Usage
Grade Level: 9-12
- Only use technology after checking with me
- Only use technology when it is helpful to your learning
- Use technology to look up unfamiliar words, to take notes, and/or to work on class assignments
- Do not use technology to text or to go on social media
SOP: When You Get To Class
Grade Level: 9-12
- Enter the classroom calmly
- Take a seat at your assigned seat
- Check the projector screen to see the agenda slide for the day and follow the instructions (if any)
- Begin working on your daily journal entry
SOP: Transition Between Classes
Grade Level: 9-12
- When the bell rings, exit the class you are in
- Walk calmly and quietly through the halls to your next class
- Stay to one side of the hallway
- Navigate to your next class, and when you arrive, take a seat at your desk
SOP: Bathroom
Grade Level: 9-12
- Sign out using the bathroom sign out sheet if you need to use the bathroom
- While walking in the halls, stay quiet to not disturb other classes
- Make sure you are back to the classroom within 5 minutes to continue learning
- When back in the classroom, mark the time you return on the bathroom sign out sheet
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