"Happy Mind, Happy Life."

Reflection Blog #2

When thinking about digital editions… 

Since my last reflection blog, I was able to write both a close reading annotation, and a secondary annotation, and I feel a lot more confident in my abilities to judge these types of writing. After doing both of these assignments, I have been able to determine (for myself) what parts of a text stand out to me and make me want to talk more about. I love to annotate based on the grammatical or structural choices an author makes within their piece. I think it is super interesting to take one of those choices and expand it further to determine its relevance in the text as a whole. In my close reading annotation, I touched on the use of an em dash, and in my secondary annotation, I looked at the use of an oxymoron. Both of these details allowed me to highlight the author’s purpose, but also the content of their text. I think this is what annotations should be about. And, I find these types of annotations to be more helpful to me, as a reader, because I am able to see a physical piece of the text discussed in a more metaphorical meaning. As for critical introductions, I haven’t been able to explore many of those or write one myself yet, other than the one I reviewed a few weeks ago. Additionally, I liked how in my secondary annotation, I was able to draw on another credible and relevant source to enhance and support my thinking. This was very beneficial to me, as the critical reader and commenter, to digest the text. 

When reflecting on the course and ePortfolio…

I do not have any struggles or difficulties with ePortfolio as of right now. I am sure that as I start to develop my digital edition on this platform, questions will most likely arise. I also read Professor Tuttle’s feedback on my entry a few weeks ago, and I am now comfortable/confident in my set up of these reflection blogs. I am curious to see if any of my other courses this semester will bring in elements of ePortfolio (maybe even ENG 200 like you said, Prof. Tuttle).


1 Comment

  1. jennifertuttle

    All of this is wonderful to know, Olivia! Super. I am totally with you: I think that close reading annotations like these really help me as a reader to see the actual mechanisms in the text where meaning is conveyed. Normally we tend to read right over them, but if we pause and dig down, we can really deepen our understanding.

    As for ENG 200: yes! Let’s talk about that on Wednesday!

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